We offer shipping to almost any country in the world and will dispatch usually within a day but guaranteed within 3 days. We have no influence over the shipping countries and customs but we use the usual and fastest shipping companies (usually DHL or Hermes)

Our products are not
newly manufactured - each and every piece is prior-loved, used and found. Our
products are beautifully aged and matured and therefore are not `perfect´. We
carefully curate our artisan and vintage decor, and clearly communicate prior
to purchase what to expect due to the inherent nature of aged decor. As such,
we do not accept returns or exchanges.  Please check and chose carefully
before ordering. 

We will offer a return on non-vintage items such as our faux flowers or scents but we would ask you to please cover the return costs unless an item is damaged.

We pack our vintage items especially carefully as we love each one and know how precious and irreplaceable they are. Usually there is no problem with shipping.

However, on the odd occasion an item can arrive damaged. Please provide us with photos of the outer box and the damaged items. If it is an item that we have a similar one of, we may offer you a replacement but as each item is unique we will usually refund. VERY IMPORTANT: If the outer box is damaged, please DO NOT accept delivery. The Post Office must document this and the box must be opened in their presence. We require a signed and stamped document from the Post Office otherwise DHL will not refund the item cost or the shipping cost.

Absolutely! In fact, every box is packed as a gift as we know how precious the items are and how exciting it is to unpack the beautiful items. But let us know if the gift is going to someone else - we will add a personal note from you too if you like.

We strive to have the correct shipping costs in our system, however sometimes an error can occur especially when you are ordering multiple lighter items. If you think something is wrong, please contact us at info@maison-extravaganza.de and use the subject SHIPPING and let us know. A Screenshot of your basket would help us to identify the problem. And anyway, even if you dont see anything wrong with the shipping, we will in actual fact refund you everytime if you have paid too much.

Our items are unique, old and usually handcrafted. We do not use bulk manufacturing. This means that each item is different and we will list each item seperately so that you get the exact item in the pictures. If you are wanting 2 of a kind, please check the other listings to check for a `twin´ although two will never be exactly the same. Alternatively please write to us at info@maison-extravaganza.de to check if we are able to source another sister to your favourite item - sometimes we can

Please write to us at info@maison-extravaganza.de and we will provide you with an custom quotation